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The Most Beautiful Starfish In The World
This is the incredible Icon Star or Double Star (Iconaster longimanus) that comes from the Greek word aster meaning star. Habitat: west and central Indo-Pacific Ocean
Plongée Etel 2014
Verco's Tambja. | Tambja verconis, Portsea Pier, Victoria. P… | Flickr
20 Stunning Examples of Undersea Photography - Listverse
"I firmly believe this is a nudibranch (based on its morphology, and the presence of gills), but the link labels it "Siphonophore" (siphonophores do NOT have gills)"
Sea snail - zeenaaktslak - nudibranche
Flickriver: loduskia's favorite photos
Chromodoris roboi -&nbspThis website is for sale! -&nbspaqua filters Resources and Information.
Discus fish (Symphysodon discus)