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Gallery of Juhani Pallasmaa on Writing, Teaching and Becoming a Phenomenologist - 4
Gallery - Juhani Pallasmaa on Writing, Teaching and Becoming a Phenomenologist - 4
Juhani Pallasmaa, 'The Geometry of Feeling: a Look at the Phenomenology of Architecture', in 'Sakala: Nordic Journal of Architecture and Art', no. 4, June 1986, pp. 24.
Structures architecturales miniatures sculptées dans des Pierres brutes par Matthew Simmonds
Structures architecturales miniatures sculptées dans des Pierres brutes par Matthew Simmonds (1)
Mada' in Saleh archeological site, 2nd largest city of Nabatean kingdom dating arouns 1st century AD North West Saudi Arabia. astrogeographic position for Fl2 which describes how the city is embedded in the region: air sign gemini sign of road crossings, technology, communication, learning, going new ways with courtly, aristocratic air sign Libra sign of decoration, balance, beauty, harmony, relationship, peace.
Rudy Ricciotti, Passelac & Roques Architectes, KEVIN DOLMAIRE, Olivier Amsellem · Mémorial du Camp de Rivesaltes. Salses-le-Château, France
Rudy Ricciotti, Passelac & Roques Architectes, Kevin Dolmaire, Olivier Amsellem · Mémorial du Camp de Rivesaltes · Divisare
Alain de Botton on Living Architecture | Assemble Papers
Render of Peter Zumthor's The Secular Retreat, part of Living Architecture. Image courtesy Peter Zumthor.
La materialidad de Peter Zumthor en dos de sus obras mas personales [2/2] | Sobre Arquitectura y más | Desde 1998
La materialidad de Peter Zumthor en dos de sus obras mas personales [2/2] | Metalocus