
50 Pins
Is It A Rough Patch Or Is It Over?7 Signs You Shouldn't End Your Relationship
When it comes to relationships, you never want to feel like you've settled. It's better to be single, after all, than to be in a relations...
6 Signs Your Partner Is Unhappy In Your Relationship & Isn’t Telling You
I have a confession. Sometimes, when my partner is distracted, I just look at him and wonder, what the hell is happening in that ...
7 Reasons Why It’s So Difficult To Leave An Unhealthy Relationship
Parting ways with someone you once cared about is never easy. But when it comes to leaving an unhealthy relationship, it can fee...
3 Reasons People Stay In Bad Relationships, According To Science
When you see someone in a terrible relationship, it's so hard to see why they would stay in something that's making the...
10 Reasons Why This Generation Is Losing The Ability To Be In Love
Ever wonder what our generation will be known for in the decades to come? I ponder the question regularly. There are so many g...
11 Ways BFF Relationships Have Changed From The '90s Versus Today
We all had that one BFF growing up in the '90s — that one person we'd have late-night phone calls with, gossip with about how str...
4 Zodiac Signs Who Will Never Give Up On A Relationship
Whether you're arguing about where to spend the holidays or trying to find a place where you both want to live, all relationship...
Your Zodiac Sign Reveals Why You're Single Right Now & It's So Scarily Accurate
Once after at least four margaritas, I imagined an album title for my love life with my friends. I decided it would be called Thi...
8 Things That Make You Feel Rich That Have Nothing To Do With Money
I love money — like a lot. To an extent, it makes life easier. It allows for luxury and higher comfort. It relieves many worries an...
These Are The Most Unattractive Qualities In A Partner
When I set out to discover what people think the most unattractive qualities in a partner are, I first made sure to stress that this wa...
8 Things That Make You Feel Rich That Have Nothing To Do With Money
I love money — like a lot. To an extent, it makes life easier. It allows for luxury and higher comfort. It relieves many worries an...
Your Zodiac Sign Reveals Why You're Single Right Now & It's So Scarily Accur...
Once after at least four margaritas, I imagined an album title for my love life with my friends. I decided it would be called Thi...
Keeping Your Name After Marriage: 27 Women Talk About Why They Didn't Tak...
The world never tires of telling women what our marriages should look like — and that includes telling us whether or not we shoul...
3 Zodiac Signs That Always Find Themselves In Situationships
Three zodiac signs — Libras, Sagittarius, and Aquarius — always seem to end up in situationships.