neuvième porte

131 Pins
Desengano dos peccadores, necessario a todo genero de pessoas, utilissimo aos missionarios, e aos prégadores desenganados, que só desejaõ a salvaçaõ das almas. by Perier, Alexandre, 1653?-1730; Morganti, Lourenço
Heinrich Aldegrever (1501-1502 - 1555-61). Гротескные орнаменты
Оригинал взят у marinni в Heinrich Aldegrever (1501-1502 - 1555-61). Гротескные орнаменты Генрих Альдегревер или Альдеграф, называемый также Альбертом Вестфальским (англ. Heinrich Aldegrever;…
Bewening, Cornelis van Caukercken, naar Anthony van Dyck, 1636 - 1680 - Rijksmuseum
Heinrich Aldegrever | Wrath, from The Vices | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
'Wrath', from The Vices (Heinrich Aldegrever, 1552)
Juxtapoz Magazine - "Edge of Time" drawing by Interesni Kazki
How much detail can be packed into a single drawing you ask? Your answer lies in this Ink drawing on paper by the Ukrainian super duo, Interesni Kazki...
Hemelvaart van Christus, Cornelis Bloemaert (II), naar Ciro Ferri, 1656 - 1692 - Rijksmuseum