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21 Pictures That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity
Sue Drummond was walking her beloved Shih Tzu, Bibi, on a pier in Melbourne, when a fierce gust of wind picked him up and hurled him into the rough waters of the bay. A passerby, Raden Soemawinata, who happened to be on the pier that day to scatter his grandmother's ashes, wasted no time in stripping down and diving into the bay to rescue the animal. (2 of 2)
Pensées | Inspirations pour réussir sa vie
Pensées | Inspirations pour réussir sa vie
Cats will be cats no matter how large - Animals
Then, they mate and people will kill each other for the babies. lol
Accueil iletaitunepub.fr : People et actualités
23 photos légendées de chats qui vous feront passer du rire aux larmes
АйДаПрикол - лучшие мемы, видео, гифки и смешные картинки в одном месте
АйДаПрикол - коллекция лучших демотиваторов, фотоприколов и комиксов с ежедневным обновлением.
On life and time.
The ritual is complete! (I feel like this came from Tumblr. . . This just feels like Tumblr to me)
Amazon.fr : Impression 3D - Plateformes Pour Imprimante 3D / Composants Pour Imprimante 3D E... : Commerce, Industrie Et Science
Duck Got A 3D Printed Prosthesis