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Advance Lens Flares 2 by khaledzz9 on DeviantArt
Advance Lens Flares 2 by khaledzz9 on DeviantArt
Amazing lens flares by SaphireDesign on DeviantArt
Amazing lens flares by on @DeviantArt
Most Amazing Earth Images of 2012
Glories and Swirls - What looks like a double rainbow streaking down the middle of the image is actually an optical phenomenon called a glory that is created by waves of light being scattered by water droplets in the atmosphere. The swirls to the right of the glories are so-called von Karman vortices, caused by the Pacific island of Guadalupe disrupting the southern flow of clouds, like the wake of a ship.
Carbon Eaters on the Black Sea
This brilliant cyan pattern scattered across the surface of the Black Sea is a bloom of microscopic phytoplankton. The multitude of single-celled algae in this image are most likely coccolithophores, one of Earth’s champions of carbon pumping. Coccolithophores constantly remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and slowly send it down to the seafloor, an action that helps to stabilize the Earth's climate.
Atmospheric scattering model Code adapted from Martins