faux rochers

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Gallery Construction projects of Houthoff Zoo Design
Artificial rocks
Entrance to underground wine cellar
Entrance to underground wine cellar - The Vertical Artisans Forum
Sculpted shotcrete/concrete for indoor swimming pool with slide. Painted to look like granite. Planters and waterfalls are in the rock fractures & crevasses.
Kleines Zwischenspiel im Tierpark Berlin. Neue Dschelada-Anlage. Warten auf das große Projekt in Rostock / New Home for the gelada baboon in Berlin. Waiting for the great project in Rostock. #Kunstfelsen #tierparkberlin #berlin #dschelada #gelada #affen #apes #artificialrock #concrete #beton #decoration #dekoration #fakerock #fauxrock
Gallery Construction projects of Houthoff Zoo Design
Decoration professional and concrete wall
This was basalt mountain rock carved in Oregon. In an under ground bulb house.