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Stormwater Planters, Improving Our Environment and Our Neighborhoods | Wilkes East Neighborhood
Stormwater planters, born in Portland Oregon are being replicated nationwide for 'green' stormwater management. Info here!
13 idées d'éclairage extérieur à créer soi-même
Guirlandes lumineuses autour de troncs d'arbres ©
PPAG_Yard furniture MuseumsQuartier Vienna Public Space MuseumsQuartier Vienna Adolf Loos National Design Prize, Design Austria 2005
OneName Global - An excellent example of Universal design. Making something accessible to everybody ! | Facebook
piétons, poussettes et fauteuils roulants ensemble !
Art Installations and Interactive Installations image inspiration on Designspiration
J'en pince
RS + studio a conçu une nouvelle promenade sur le bord du lac Paprocany en Pologne, pour le plus grand plaisir des badauds.
Oubliez Central Park, comment se promener en pleine nature dans la ville de New York
High Line Park is an innovative green space in New York City: an abandoned railroad becomes a park.