Égypte antique

253 Pins
The Singer of Amun Nany's Funerary Papyrus | Work of Art | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Section from the "Book of the Dead" of Nany [Egyptian; Western Thebes] (30.3.31) | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
NEFERTARI La más bella de todas Su tumba , el valle de las reinas , Luxor. Photo: Mahmoud Hassan. Shared by Edith Cruz
Ancient Egypt - Map, History, Religion, Facts
Nile Valley of Ancient Egypt ~ Egyptian civilization developed along the banks of the river Nile. The Nile Valley stands in sharp contrast to the arid deserts of Africa. Its long, narrow flood plain was a magnet for life, attracting people, animals and plants to its banks, and providing ideal conditions for the development of stable communities. Evidence suggests that the region was inhabited as far back as 700,000 years ago by Neolithic and Paleolithic Man.
Papyrus from the Book of the Dead of Ani. From Thebes, Egypt 19th Dynasty, around 1275 BC. The judgement of the dead in the presence of Osiris
L'ivre de matieres & de couleurs
dwellerinthelibrary: The god Nun raises the solar barque from the waters at the time of creation. From the Book of the Dead of Anhai.
Papyrus funéraire : scène de psychostasie (pesée de l'âme)
| Papyrus funéraire : scène de psychostasie (pesée de l'âme) | Images d’Art
Time passes slowly
Papyrus from the Book of the Dead of Nakht (detail). From Thebes, Egypt, Late 18th Dynasty, 1350-1300 BC.
Image gallery: papyrus
Book of the Dead of Anhay; sheet 5; full colour vignettes; blue border at top, yellow/red at bottom. Vignette of Osiris watching the judgement of Anhay. Spell 110 with vignette of Field of Reeds.
Forum égyptologique - Connexion
Stèle d'Horus-sur-les-crocodiles, dédiée par Nesatoum, dite "stèle Metternich".
fresque égyptienne de la vallée des ROIS
fresque égyptienne de la vallée des ROIS - mondes et beautés