Style Cyberpunk

24 Pins
I see Carson similar to this, especially with Ebony gone. He'd have no reason to shave or really care about his appearance. The green would be red, and his eyes would have that unsettling artificial crimson to them. Plus
the art of animation
Animation, Concept Art, Models Sheets, etc. usuarios online All works published in this blog are the... Plus
Cover art for Black Rain Vol.1 by Chris Debien. Cover art by Pascal Quidault. Plus Plus
Corvo Attano Art - Dishonored 2 Art Gallery
Corvo Attano from Dishonored 2 More Plus
Cette atmosphère Cyberpunk serait sûrement "Ecran Total" de Laurent Bettoni. Cette histoire, entre romance et thriller, projette dans une réalité virtuelle inquiétante et prenante. - This atmosphere Cyberpunk would be surely “Total Screen” of Laurent Bettoni. This history, between lovesong and thriller, projects in a worrying and fascinating virtual reality.