Captain BIM

13 Pins
The 8 Worst Things You Can Do In Revit
The BIM Jedi (formally the Revit Jedi): The 8 Worst Things You Can Do In Revit
How to display a top-down view including the ceiling pattern for printing in Revit
Revit: How to display a top down view including the ceiling grid for printing | Revit Products | Autodesk Knowledge Network
Construction and Engineering – Project Management
Ware Malcomb uses BIM throughout our 16 offices. Building Information Modeling (BIM) infographic.
How BIM can Bankrupt Your Firm
How BIM can Bankrupt Your Firm: There are a lot of reasons why firms fail to embrace BIM. The next time a coworker or consultant gets fearful, show them this diagram. It'll either scare them straight or send them running.
Autocad vs Revit #Autocad #Revit #Bim
Managing the Culture Shift: Paving the Way for BIM Implementation and Management
10 BIM Things Infographic