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Gratins à la Clémentine
Le gratin à la clémentine est un dessert élégant et réconfortant, parfait pour terminer un repas sur une note douce et acidulée. Ce dessert allie la fraîcheur des clémentines à une texture onctueuse et légèrement caramélisée, faisant de chaque bouchée un délice irrésistible. Facile à préparer, ce gratin met en valeur les saveurs des fruits de saison tout en apportant une touche gourmande grâce à sa garniture dorée au four.
135K views · 613 reactions | Tarte aux pommes allemande ! Pas besoin de battre la pâte ! Simple, facile et délicieux ! | Tarte aux pommes allemande ! Pas besoin de battre la pâte ! Simple, facile et délicieux ! | By Super Recettes | Facebook
302K views · 1.3K reactions | After this genius idea, no one is throwing tangerine peels away anymore | After this genius idea, no one is throwing tangerine peels away anymore | By American Food | After this genius idea, noone is throwing tangerine peels away anymore. In a large bowl start by adding 300 grams of cream cheese. 150 grams of refined sugar and beat everything with an electric mixer until the sugar dissolves. When that happens, add 300 milliliters of whipping cream and beat until stiff peaks form. This is the right consistency. Now, add a 12 gram packet of unflavored gelatin previously hydrated and continue beating until smooth after doing at, moisten 250 grams of sponge finger biscuits with some orange juice. Then place these biscuits in a medium baking dish covering the entire bottom. Then pour half of the cream we prepared over the biscuits, arrange evenly and set aside. Now, peel 6 ripe tangerines. Then place the peels in a medium bowl, add one teaspoon of baking soda, enough water to cover everything and let it all soak for 15 minutes. After this time has passed, drain all the water, transfer the peels to a pan filled with boiling and let them cook for 15 minutes. After that drain all the hot water. Take this time to share this video and write in the comment section the name of the city from which you're watching it and we'll make sure to leave a heart especially for you. Oh and thanks for sharing this video. Transfer the peels to a large pan add one and50 grams of granulated sugar, the tangerine slices, 200 milliliters of orange juice, mix everything to combine, cover the pan and bring the ingredients to a When that happens, beat everything very well with a hand blender. Add a cinnamon stick, 100 grams of unsalted butter and mix until the butter melts completely. Now, cover the pan and let everything cook for another 5 minutes. After this time has passed, equally divide this mixture into two bowls and let it cool until it reaches room temperature. When that happens, take one of these bowls and spread half of the mixture over the dessert in the baking dish adding it with a spoon just like I'm doing then using a barbecue stick. Stir in a spiral motion. Have you got that recipe app? It's already available for download. Go to the App Store or Play Store now. Type that recipe and download it. Next, add the other half of the cream we prepared, arrange evenly, add the other half of the mixture from the first bowl and stir again in a spiral motion. I hope you're enjoying the recipe. Share it with your friends. By doing so, you'll be helping us go even further. Now, take it to the fridge and let it cool for half an hour. Meanwhile, in the other bowl with the mixture, add a packet of unflavored gelatin previously hydrated and mix until combined. After doing that, add this mixture to the baking dish with the dessert. Spread evenly. Take it to the fridge and let it cool for at least 3 hours. This is the right consistency. That recipe is ready. You may now serve and enjoy it. I hope you liked this recipe. Now, I'll head to the comment section and leave a heart to everyone who left the name of their city. See you recipe. Bye bye.
Brioche perdue façon pudding aux poires - Les petits plats de Béa
Poires caramélisées aux dragées et spéculoos recette
Poires caramélisées aux dragées et spéculoos. Des poires rôties au miel ultra gourmandes avec des dragées caramélisées et spéculoos, recette du chef Alain Passard pour Maho Nabe. @mpkitchen
Gâteau aux Poires Caramélisées : Douceur Fondante
Le Gâteau aux Poires Caramélisées est un incontournable pour les amateurs de desserts fruités et gourmands. Cette recette allie la douceur fondante des poires à la richesse du caramel, créant un équilibre parfait entre légèreté et indulgence. Le contraste entre les poires juteuses et le moelleux du gâteau fait de ce dessert une option idéale ... Lire plus The post Gâteau aux Poires Caramélisées : Douceur Fondante appeared first on Recette Moderne.
fondante et irrésistible terrine aux pommes - NancyBuzz
fondante et irrésistible terrine aux pommes - NancyBuzz
640K views · 59K reactions | SFOGLIATINE CON PERE E CANNELLA ✨ Salva il Reel con ricetta e procedimento. Questa ricetta lo scorso anno ha fatto il giro del mondo e siccome negli ultimi giorni siete arrivati in tanti,la condivido nuovamente ☺️ Bellissime da vedere e buonissime da mangiare. La dolcezza delle pere e la croccantezza dello zucchero che si caramellizza in cottura, rende questo dolce davvero delizioso 😊. Il pizzico di cannella inebrierà tutta la vostra cucina. INGREDIENTI PER 4 PORZIONI ~ Pasta sfoglia rettangolare ~ 2 pere mature (non troppo dure) ~ zucchero semolato mescolato con un pizzico di cannella ~ zucchero a velo per completare Incidetele nella parte superiore per una migliore cottura. Se occorre eliminate il torsolo. Cuocete a 180 gradi per 20/25 minuti (vi ricordo che la cottura dipende sempre dal forno. Vi consiglio di mangiarle tiepide con tanto zucchero a velo. Dolci facili. Dolci con le pere #cannella #pere #sfogliatine #pastasfoglia #dolcifacili #bankingblog #bakinglove #feedfeed #zerosbatti #dolcifattiincasa #fromscratch #bolo #bolodecorado #receitas | Susy Onorato