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Graphic : 53 317 768 images vectorielles de stock et images vectorielles | Shutterstock
Graphic Vecteurs de stock et clip-Art vectoriel | Shutterstock
Mary Kate McDevitt Lettering and Illustration
Enviable Hand Lettering by @MaryKateMcD #penmanshipisnotdead #itsnotwhatyousayitshowyouwriteit
Good typography
shhh Handwritten typography 8.28.13 photohttp://accidental-typographer.tumblr.com/
Não é fácil usar tipografia manuscrita na criação de uma marca, pois ela precisa expressar a essência da marca. O ideal é sempre desenvolver uma família tipográfica exclusiva nestes casos, só assim…
Retro Pop Cult
houhouhaha.fr est disponible sur DomExpire
This is such and awesome design. I love the crazy and fun style. It has heaps going on but is easy to read and doesn't look too much.
Graphisme et interactivité - Page 3 à 580 - Blog sur le graphisme, le design et le numérique, par Geoffrey Dorne
typographical travel
Typographie #1 : Du caractère et de l'inspiration - Blog Du WebDesign
Typographie #1 : Du caractère et de l'inspiration | Blog du Webdesign
Adobe Portfolio
great blog by London based designer & illustrator Tim Miness
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Woaw ! #design #graphique #effet #effect #green #typo #typographie #communication #visuelle
http://sudpol-plakate.blogspot.ch/search/label/Felix Pfäffli