cardboard / paper / wood

#carton #papier #bois #cardboard #paper #wood
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Fleisher/Ollman Gallery » Artists
James Castle - Untitled (figure in tan coat construction) #mixedmedia #cardboard #paper
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ingridArtStudio - Hiding places - The small blackbird (original encaustic mixed media carved in reclaimed barn wood)
Re-Pack -
H-57 Creative Station - re-pack / Project for the reuse of existing packages. Everything that has contained something, can contain something else and be useful again. Re-Pack is a way to produce, and therefore pollute, less. The more we recycle, the less we have to dispose of
Piet Hein Eek - Scrapwood furniture #design /
Le pli postal : plier, timbrer et poster. // Bloc de 18 lettres-enveloppes (19 x 25,5 cm) avec 18 motifs originaux et un mode d’emploi // Papier tigre
Studio Xag is a London based design firm which specializes in exhibitions, window displays, instillation, and sets. The team put their creative juices together with the University of Arts London for this exhibition called Hands On. The exhibition is a “shoebox” house, a life size scale model, with items in it that are designed to mimic small scale elements such as a matchbox or matchstick.
Sarah Illenberger - Papercraft: Design Art with Paper #cover #book / photo : Ragnar Schmuck / /