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Органайзер для машинных игл / Sewing machine needle case
Вечерние посиделки: Органайзер для машинных игл / Sewing machine needle case
더넛츠컴퍼니 : 네이버 블로그
북 쿠션 아이디어 : 네이버 블로그
How To Sew English Paper Pieced Hexagons
Mini Hexagon Pincushion - Grandmother's Flower Garden English Paper Piecing Patchwork Tutorial
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ペットボトルが入るポケットつき!便利なサイドポケットがついたバッグの作り方(バッグ) | ぬくもり
makerist - Crafting Made Simple
This elegant bag will carry and organize all your sewing, quilting or any other craft supplies. Dimensions - 14"x11"x7". This 27 pages tutorial is loaded with detailed 123 pictures and step-by-step instructions how to make this handy and useful bag for any kind of crafts. You will learn how to make 5 different types pockets and some other handy tips . This bag has 18 pockets, plus additional vinyl clear bags, attached to the swivel hook for smaller items (needles, embellishmen...
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