Data scientist

91 Pins
Records, Structs, and Data Transfer Objects in Python –
How to implement records, structs, and “plain old data objects” in Python using only built-in data types and classes from the standard library.
Apress learn raspberry pi programming with python 2014
Learn Raspberry Pi Programming with Python will show you how to program your nifty new $35 computer to make a web spider, a weather station, a media server, and more. You'll learn how to program in Python on your Raspberry Pi with hands-on examples and fun projects. Even if you're completely new to programming in general, you'll figure out how to create a home security system, an underwater photography system, an RC plane with a camera, and even a near-space weather balloon with a...
INFOGRAPHIC: NOSQL – The Ultimate Solution for Database Management
Source: Link: NOSQL: The Ultimate Solution for Database Management
Cheatsheet - 11 Steps for Data Exploration in R (with codes)
data mining, data exploration, data science in R
Clock With Thermometer Using Arduino, I2c 16x2 Lcd, DS1307 RTC and DHT11 Sensor.
Clock with thermometer using Arduino, i2c 16x2 lcd, DS1307 RTC and DHT11 sensor.
Start A Fire
What's the difference between Data Science, Big Data & Data Analytics:
Cheat Sheet: Data Visualisation in Python
Cheat Sheet: Data Visualisation in Python – Data Science Central
What is a NoSQL Database? Learn By Writing One In Python
What is a NoSQL Database? Learn By Writing One In Python
Big Data Gap - iNFOGRAPHiCs MANiATo know more log on to (file:// #Extentia
The Big Vs of Big Data
Chaque jour, en 2012, 2,5 zetabytes d'information ont été créés dans l'univers numérique. 1 zetabyte, c'est 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 bytes. Big Data, ce n'est pas qu'une expression ! #infographic