Foodphotography... fotophood !

Dulce de Leche Swirled Tarts
Dulce de Leche Swirled Tarts - the way chocolate and dulce de leche were meant to be eaten! |
Salad lattice bowl - La Receta de la Felicidad
Edible bowls made from woven pie dough . . . . photos and how-to instructions. Interesting idea!
Torta di rose (..quella di Montersino ;)
Mon petit bistrot: Torta di rose (..quella di Montersino ;)
Muffinki bananowe ze śmietaną - Kaszamanna Studio
chocOlate banana muffins with whipped cream & banana chips
So neat and tidy. I'm thinking how my photo would look...messy and me licking my fingers, but always washing them of course afterward.