Warhammer Hobbit

69 Pins
Minas Tirith model - Now my question is...Why hasn't someone made a cake of this? ~susiedaubney~
Helm's deep - the siege
Helm's deep - LOTR. I'm making this with Hirst Arts molds right now. Hope it ends up like the model in the pic!
Minas Tirith Wall - Lord of the Rings
Minas Tirith Wall - Lord of the Rings | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
The gate of Erebor - The Lonely Mountain - The Hobbit - Diorama by Arkadius
Helm’s Deep | Onyx's Hobby Blog... - a grouped images picture
Helm’s Deep | Onyx's Hobby Blog - created via http://pinthemall.net
Technabob - Technabob
Lord of the Rings Bag End Bonsai.
Photo Storage
Diorama of Bag End inspired by The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit trilogies. Mr. Baggins and Gandalf are from GW, Everything else was made from scratch.
how to make a miniature hobbiton garden
how to make a miniature hobbiton garden - Google Search
Minas Tirith Wall - Lord of the Rings
Explore matt staley's photos on Flickr. matt staley has uploaded 57 photos to Flickr.