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FT Island
Cr: FNC Japan #United_Shadows #Handsome #Leader #Hoonie #FTISLAND #ChoiJongHoon #Rockband #Kpop #Korean
Photos – Page 3 – FT Island France
Song Seung Hyun, Lee Jae Jin
Photos – Page 3 – FT Island France
Song Seung Hyun, Lee Hong Ki
2017년 6월 7일 #FTISLAND 데뷔 10주년!!♥ 10년동안 항상 #FT아일랜드 를 응원해주시고 사랑해주시는 #프리마돈나 여러분, 감사합니다!! :-) 20주년 30주년 40주년에도, 계속 FT아일랜드와 함께해주세요 :-D June 7th, 2017 FTISLAND's 10th Anniversary!! ♥ Thank you to all #PRIMADONNA for your continuous support towards FTISLAND for 10 years!! :-) Continue to support FTISLAND for their 20th, 30th, 40th anniversaries too :-D
Seunghyun & Jonghun — 2017.6.14 FT_FANCLUB FTISLAND 10th ANNIVERSARY...
Photos – Page 3 – FT Island France
Lee Jae Jin, Choi Min Hwan, Choi Jong Hoon
돌아온 FT아일랜드
2015.04, CeCi, F.T. Island, FT Island, Lee Hongki, Seunghyun