Egypte antique

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Dieu Créa La Femme - Dieu Créa la Femme
maquillage egypte cleopatre / egytian make up / Pinned from the blog "Et dieu créa la femme"
A London Salmagundi
Pair of shoes, leather with gilding and embroidery. Coptic, Egypt, ca. 300-500 AD (via Victoria & Albert Museum)
Diadem. 200-100 B.C., Alexandria, Egypt. Made from gold this diadem was likely worn by a noblewoman of the time.
The Egyptian Collar for History of Costumes
Egyptian Collar - safety pins(
Old Rags
Reassembled beadnet dress, 2551-2528 BC Egypt, MFA Boston This was found in a tomb with the scant remains of its owner, an unknown woman. The threads keeping it together had turned to dust long ago but the beads were still in their original arrangement.
Giant humans in Ancient egypt
Ancient Egyptian Neck piece - 24 carat gold, turquoise, coral, enamel (Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York)
The Story Behind Deformed Ancient Skulls
One of the daughters of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, this is probably the oldest, Meritaten. She and her sisters, Nefertiti (who was also Akhenaten's half-sister) and Akhenaten are all depicted with this shaped skull. •? 'In-breeding causes lot of diff' weird stuff to go wrong.•
Les chaussures des Anciens Egyptiens
Les chaussures des Anciens Egyptiens - EGYPTE ANTIQUE
Rameses II one of a pair of armlets in gold with inlays
One of a pair of Gold armlets, in gold with inlays, inscribed to King Ramesses II (Usermaatra Setepenra c.1279-1213 BC, Dynasty 19). Cairo Museum, Egypt.