{Déco} Noël

INSPIRATION NOËL 100% NATURE - Mademoiselle Claudine le blog
Décoration de Noël 100% Nature. De bougies très simples peuvent être agrémentée de feuillage.
This pom pom garland is too cute. And i like the straws between spacing it out.
Festive wrapping inspiration | These Four Walls
I don’t know about you, but I love wrapping Christmas presents. I tend to set aside a weekend afternoon, put on some festive tunes, pour myself a glass of wine, and take over the entire living-room floor with paper, tape and tags. In fact, it’s become something of a seasonal ritual. I always think beautiful …
Décorations de Noël 2017 #1
Assiette plate en céramique blanche motifs graphiques noirs Chiang Mai | Maisons du Monde
Assiette plate en faïence micromotif noir/blanc D 27 cm | Maisons du Monde