De jolies illustrations

173 Pins
SURTEX / BLUE PRINT 2018 - cathy nordström
A blog that celebrates the world of pattern design. Covering greetings cards, wrap, fabrics, wallpaper, stationery and more.
Boerenbont designs by Petrus Regout, from the Netherlands
Jonston, Jan: Historiae Naturalis de Insectis Libri III. De Serpentibus et Draconibus Libri II. - Frankfurt : Merian, 1653.
Jonston, Jan: Historiae Naturalis de Insectis Libri III. De Serpentibus et Draconibus Libri II. - Frankfurt : Merian, 1653.
(@moonphacecollective) on Instagram: “Here is your weekly tarot guidance. I haven’t used the #oracleofoddities deck in a while but I felt…”
Les villes sont à l’honneur
Amsterdam de Anna Bond (de Rifle Paper Co.) carte simplifiée d'Amsterdam fait à la gouache 11x14 ou 18x24