Drawing tools / making marks

62 Pins
Stempel selber machen
Fabriquer des tampons avec des lames de parquets self made stamps and their prints (Pour Cuisine)
Уроки рисования. Пост со стены.
Mark making tools for Drawing II - students scavenge, assemble, experiment, and make adjustments to tools until they are satisfied. Swatches are created for reference and eventual use in combination with other drawings.
The Vow
How freaking awsome is this? old tires carved into block print stamps!! We could do indian motifs for the india dreams party, or Clovers for a sheet wall or or or!!!
it's an HSES Arty Party!
Use hot glue on empty school paper towel rolls (thick and heavy rolls) to create rollers for clay. !
Bernard Derderian - Beaux-Arts de Marseille
52 Weeks of Printmaking: Week 37 - Jen Hewett
52 Weeks of Printmaking: Week 37 by Jen Hewett
Mark Nystrom, "Wind Drawings” where he constructed a tool to suspend a pen outfitted with sails over paper. Each drawing is a record of one day’s wind conditions.