
18 Pins
Marie Claire Idées
"'While you were sleeping' was inspired by the legend of the win-laik-pya or 'soul butterfly'. It is believed that the soul-butterfly flies abroad when its owner is asleep, wandering through time and space, meeting the soul-butterflies of other persons and animals and returning when the owner awakes. Burmese children are still taught never to awaken anyone too suddenly, for fear the win-laik-pya cannot get back in time, in which case the person dies, or worse, lives on, without a soul."
Luyomi333 - Hobbyist, Artisan Crafter | DeviantArt
Snow Dandelion made from paper by Luyomi333. DeviantArt.
Su Blackwell - A Piece in the Edinburgh Show
Miindele - Blog sur la Perte de Poids, Fitness, Nutrition & Recettes Saines
VIDEO. Musique : Adele chante « Hello » accompagnée par des instruments pour enfants -
Photos de ADELE dans Vogue : Ce qu'elle dit dans l'article "Adele : One and Only"
La chanteuse anglaise Adele, shootée par le magazine Vogue
Pourquoi nous aimons (et nous devrions) écouter de la musique triste
"Hello", le nouveau single de la chanteuse Adele bat tous les records. Il y a plusieurs raisons psychologiques à cela. Les voici.
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