Mad of Déco

28 Pins
Unpinning Pinterest 10/30/12
Des idées d'associations de couleurs, à garder en memo pour ne pas se tromper :)
Top 10 Best DIY Bathroom Projects
DIY bathroom makeover with an over the toilet storage unit repurposed from an old picture frame.
This item is unavailable - Etsy
#shenasiconcept custom design nursery artwork. Ballerinas in pink. #ballet #painting
This item is unavailable | Etsy
Homemade gift ideas, including these camera key chains, made with felt and cardboard, buttons and yarn!
25 DIY Handmade Gift Tutorials Part 2
The 36th AVENUE | 25 DIY Handmade Gift Tutorials Part 2 | The 36th AVENUE
Caitlin Wilson: Textiles, Rugs, Pillows, Wallpaper, and Home Décor
Caitlin Wilson Textiles: FAQS/ all info needed on pillow sizes, yardage and much more
stones. Suzie I can't tag you on my ipad but thanks for reminding me of ideas of things to do with stones.
Minneapolis Homestead: DIY Projects to Make Any Backyard Into a Staycation
Make a couch out of a palette - ideal for my out door area #create #DIY #furniture #outdoor #make #wood
Wine bottle craft
Good idea. Put on plank of wood with knobs to make a coat hanger with an awesome flower vase attached :)
The Vault: Curated & Refined Wedding Inspiration
beautiful outdoor candlelight.... la mousse boule et les bougies, toujours très jolie, nous pouvons ajouter quelques fleurs de ci de là :)) cela peut donner de la couleur si l'on préfère :)