
96 Pins
Another shot from those awarded painted Daughters of the Crucible by @adam_loler_halon ☺😈 Model soon - ragingheroes
Another shot from those awarded painted Daughters of the Crucible by @adam_loler_halon ☺😈 Model soon available at, Click the link in description 🐧 #badassitude #warmongers #wargaming #wargamers #proxymodels #proxies #sistersofbattle #sistersofmercy #warhammer40k #warhammer30k @ragingheroes #theTGG #ragingheroes #figurines #miniatures #badass #comingsoon
The Hunt by Raffaele Picca · Putty&Paint
The Hunt by Raffaele Picca · Putty&Paint
Studio painted Easter Twilight Knight for @kingdom_death #easter #twilightknight #skintones #bunny #horror #kingdomdeath…
Well of Eternity
Warhammer Age of Sigmar | Stormcast Eternals | Liberators #warhammer #ageofsigmar #aos #sigmar #wh #whfb #gw #gamesworkshop #wellofeternity #miniatures #wargaming #hobby #fantasy
WIP by Rogland... skin tones
The Internet's largest gallery of Painted Miniatures and Miniature Painting art
CoolMiniOrNot - The Internets largest gallery of Painted Miniatures and Miniature Painting art - Site
Woman Emerging from Water
Woman Emerging from Water