
106 Pins
35 Bathroom Storage Ideas to Maximize Every Square Inch of that Teeny Tiny Space
You'd be amazed at how much stuff you can fit into a really narrow cabinet. This particular one wins out over other narrow bathroom cabinets because it has drawers, so you don't have to pull the whole cabinet out every time you want something. I had something similar that I used for years — it tucked neatly in beside the toilet in the tiny bathrooms of four or five different apartments. Bathroom cabinet, $119 from Amazon.
19 Fourth of July Picnic Ideas for a Tasty Outdoor Celebration
Decorative Utensil Jars Don't bother setting the table -- guests can grab what they need from these adorable, no-fuss utensil jars. Simply decorate containters, like empty oatmeal canisters, by wrapping them with festive paper and securing with tape. Add an adhesive chalkboard label to send a fun message.
Pour stocker vos fruits dans votre cuisine
Voici un petit produit sympathique qui vous permettra de stocker vos fruits et légumes sans avoir recours à une corbeille à fruits et surtout sans prendre une place de dingue dans votre cuisine. Le produit est en fil de métal et comporte plusieurs étagères pour faciliter le rangement vertical.
20 Crafty Recycling Projects You Can Make With Your Christmas Tree
20 projects to craft from the remains of your Christmas tree.
3 petites glaces en papier - SCRAP
Pour 3 petites filles de 4 ans... une idée trouvée sur le net : à croquer ! par montiscrapamoi
Great Decorating Idea: DIY Pallet Skyline for a Child’s Play Area
Old fence boards changed into buildings - stick a blackboard on top and the little people can have hours of drawing time
Embroidered 100% Cotton American Flag Chair Bow | PlowHearth
How about on the backs of chairs at a Fourth of July Wedding? So cute! Embroidered Cotton American Flag Chair Bow
Greet Guests with Patriotic Porch Decor for the 4th of July
Directions for these tin can luminaries for Memorial Day or Fourth of July. Fairly easy.