indiens d'amérique

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Indiens et cow-boys
Native American girl from the Ponca Tribe.Under Indian Removal, from 1877 to 1880 "Out of 700 Ponca who left the Nebraska reservation, 158 died in Oklahoma within two years." With the aid of prominent attorneys working pro bono, Standing Bear filed a writ of habeas corpus challenging his arrest. The case of Standing Bear v. Crook (1879) was a landmark decision in the US District Court, where the judge ruled that Indians had the same legal rights as other United States citizens. (wikipedia)
Apache women from east fork of Clear Creek, Arizona. Photographed: 1900.
cherokee woman
Cherokee WomanIn 1838, the Cherokee people were forcibly removed from their lands in the Southeastern United States to the Indian Territory (present day Oklahoma) in the Western United States. In the same year of 1838 only about 2,000 Cherokee had left their homes in Georgia. It took Winfield Scott and his army to forcibly kick people out of their homes and home land, which was an order at the time by President Martin Van Buren,[15] which resulted in the deaths of approximately 4,000 Cheroke...
Search: totem pole
un totem très inspirant, les couleurs et les visages sont jolis
Mât totémique — Wikipédia
Totem pole by Chief Tony Hunt of the Kwakiutl
Print Collection - Weasel Tail - Piegan Indian
Weasel Tail - Piegan Indian Plus
Les Grands Chefs Indiens
Les Grands Chefs Indiens planty coups (crow)
Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon
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Yakama woman - before the death of the photographer in 1934 Übersetzung anzeigen