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Dolby Cinema - Trevor Kerr
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The Wooden Waves - Buro Happold - Testing a lasercut prototype from the parametric model at the FabPub ©Mamou-Mani
Wholesome Workplace - The Cure For A Boring Workday
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Projects - Elite Laser Cutting
We provide creative solutions for design and cost-effective manufacturing. Plus, our engineering department utilizes sophisticated software to effectively navigate the most difficult production processes using the latest version of Auto CAD and SolidWorks. From idea to finished product-elite laser is your connection to get the job done!
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This water drop parametric piece is comprised of 58 individually cut segments. Once assembled, the segments give the illusion of water ripples in a body of water. The piece is 72” long, 28” tall, and 8” deep at its deepest and weights about 50 pounds. It is made out of cabinet
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Large Wooden Wall Art, Parametric Sculpture, Wood Sculpture, Modern Art, Abstract Art Ask a question £622.86+ VAT included (where applicable), plus shipping Primary colour
Retour aux souches – BASSE DEF Blog – Art, Design, Photographie… – Créer est une bonne résolution