
128 Pins
Etsy Shop of the Week :: DruidessArt Eye of a Druiddess | Haute Macabre
Etsy Shop of the Week :: Druidess Art
Alchemical Caves
Alchemical Emblems, Occult Diagrams, and Memory Arts: Alchemical Caves
Evidence of Hidden Meaning in Masonic Ritual | Freemason Information
Michaelis Faustij...Compendium alchymist 1706 Rebis Hermaphroditus
Michaelis Faustij...Compendium alchymist 1706 Rebis Hermaphroditus
Egyptian Astrologers and the Prognostic Marketplace
Whereas the other calendars introduced here tried to cash in on their gypsy authors, this represents the attempt to attract hesitant buyers by catering to their alchemical interests. © Stadtverwaltung Altenburg, Stadtarchiv Historische Haus-
Green lion devouring the sun, from the Rosarium Philosophorum (1550), an important alchemical treatise
Inanna/Ishtar (Venus), Nanna/Sin (Moon), and Utu/Shamash (Sun) depicted on a stelae/stone tree of King Meli-Shipak II (1100 BCE) granting land to a man and woman. d36cf2db3775d842599ab0ab6b7b3315