Black Woman

31 Pins
Real or Fake? Can you always spot the difference? #iamlocd #locs #locjourney #LocStyles #teamnatural #locd #melanin #naturalista…
My Black Magic Board is dipped in melanin beauty and photo shoot inspiration!💛FOLLOW MY BOARD TO MAKE SOME MAJIC⚡️
Island Naturals
I’d want to be us if I were them #imjustsaying 📷: @missrii #Locs #LocdQueen #afrotexture #curls #kinks #coils #womenwithlocs #naturalhair
Entretien et coiffure des cheveux crépus naturels et bouclés - Olivia Rose.
Foulard cheveux crépus naturels
Island Boi Photography
“The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. Change your thoughts and you’ll change your world. The power of positive thinking.” @empressmars Photographer:...