Garage Gym

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A, Y, T Shoulder Prehab (Complete How To Guide)
A, Y, Ts are a combination of three shoulder prehab movements done back-to-back-to-back. All three movements work in different angles to develop the posterior shoulder musculature to help protect the shoulder from injury. In this guide, I’m going to explain exactly what A, Y, Ts are, how to do them and give a few additional exercises that also can help with shoulder health.
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a Garage Gym
Starting a garage gym can be really exciting. You’ve finally made the commitment that, yes, I’m ready to build my very own Iron Fortress inside my garage. You’re probably already starting to plan out your space, looking for and pricing out equipment and figuring out your budget. At this stage in the process, there are some pretty big mistakes you’ll want to make sure you avoid. Building out a garage gym can be pretty expensive and the last thing you want to do is waste money.
How to Keep Your Garage Gym Cool in the Summer
Heat isn’t just a comfort issue. If it was, I’m the type of person that would shrug it off and deal with it. I think most of us who turn our garages into palaces of iron are of that mindset. But, the sweat that all that heat creates can become a performance hindrance. Sweat that accumulates on the floor creates a slippery surface that can end up anywhere from annoying to flat-out unsafe.
Best Chalk Bucket for a Garage Gym (2022)
No matter what type of lifting you do, if you’re serious enough about it, at some point you’re going to realize you want chalk. If you’re an Olympic lifter then chalk is essential for gripping the bar on the lifts and protecting your hands from all reps and reps of pulls. If you’re a Crossfit athlete then chalk is critical if for nothing else, the insane amount of pull-ups that show up in so many workouts. If you have chalk in your gym, then you need someplace to put it.
How to Keep Your Garage Gym Clean (Step by Step Guide)
Cleaning your garage gym is a topic many people seem to want to ignore. Sure, everyone loves working out in their garage gym and most people even “plan” to clean their gym, but unfortunately, most gyms don’t get the cleaning love that they should. Excuses are a dime a dozen. “Don’t have time.” “I’ll do it next week.” “It’s just me working out, what’s the big deal.” The big deal is a garage gym, or any gym for that matter, can become a great home for viruses and bacteria.
Bumper Plates vs Iron Plates (Which should you buy?)
When you start buying equipment for your garage or home gym, you’ll have to make a decision on what type of plates you want. Do you want Bumper Plates or Iron Plates?
How to Get the Smell out of Horse Stall Mats
You picked up some Horse Stall Mats for your garage gym. Maybe you’re like me and you got some at a great price from Tractor Supply Company. Maybe you even took my recommendation for getting Horse Stall Mats for your garage gym. Now, you’ve got them home and… they smell awful. Like, really awful. Now what? Don’t worry, I’ve been there too and I’m going to walk you through why horse stall mats smell in the first place and, most importantly, what you can do to get that smell to go away.
Why You Should Have a TV in Your Garage Gym Written by Ryan Horton in Garage Gym
Having a gym in your garage is awesome. If you’re here reading this then I think we can easily agree. But, do you need a TV in your garage gym? The answer is one thousand percent yes. Having a TV in your garage gym is one of those things that you didn’t know you needed and then once you have one, you can’t live without it.
Build a DIY Squat Rack for under $60 (Step by Step Guide)
Squat Racks are expensive. I’ve been a part of 3 college weight room builds and have priced out more equipment than I care to admit. What I can tell you with absolute confidence is that buying gym equipment can get really expensive, really fast.
What’s the Best Flooring for a Garage Gym? (Updated 2022)
Picking out garage gym flooring for your garage gym is a big decision because it’s literally the foundation for your gym. Laying down a gym floor is what takes a collection of lifting equipment sitting in your garage to a full fledged gym. It’s also a big decision because, for many of us, this is often the first real investment into your home gym setup.
Horse Stall Mats – Which Side Up?
Horse Stall Mats are the best, most cost-efficient flooring option for a garage gym. Horse Stall Mats are 3/4 inch thick, 4 x 6 foot rubber mats that are way cheaper than commercial gym flooring and just as good a job in a garage gym. When you pick up your horse stall mats and get them back to your garage, you’re probably going to have some questions about your mats immediately. I’m going to try to answer a few of those questions for you right now.
How Many Weight Plates You Need for a Home Gym
Weight plates are expensive. When planning out your garage gym, knowing exactly how many plates you need for your home gym can be critical for your workouts and your budget.
6 Ways To Heat a Garage Gym
No one actually enjoys lifting in an ice-cold gym no matter what that one friend you have likes to tell you. Here are 6 ways to heat up your garage gym for those winter workouts. #garagegym #heatgarage #garageinwinter
How Much Does a Hex Bar Weigh? (14 Bars Compared)
Hex Bars (also called Trap Bars) can vary in weight anywhere from 40 pounds to 75 pounds depending on style and brand. I researched 14 different hex bars and put together a cheat sheet containing each bar's weight. #hexbar #trapbar #hexbarweight #trapbarweight