
14 Pins
La pâtisserie végétale donne un coup de fouet aux gâteaux traditionnels
La patisserie végétale explose!
Vegan restaurants are aggressively pushing no-meat menus, and it seems to be working | CBC News
Vegan sidekick
7 Things About Going Vegan That Have Really Surprised Me
7 Things About Going Vegan That Have Really Surprised Me
7 Things About Going Vegan That Have Really Surprised Me
7 Things About Going Vegan That Have Really Surprised Me
AVF (Association Végétarienne de France), notre assiette change le monde
Mieux consommer pour la planète
tracts/2015/resolutions-2016 | Visuels L214
Protéines, calcium, fer dans l'alimentation végétalienne + des chiffres sur l'élevage dans le monde
Why vegetarians should go vegan - Daily News Service
(Click link for full article) WHY VEGETARIANS SHOULD GO VEGAN | Vegetarianism is increasingly popular and often displayed as a healthy and ethical lifestyle choice, this is in fact very misleading. To argue that the egg and dairy industry are either healthy or ethical simply because neither animal is killed for the product you are eating is to be ignorant of how both industries are intrinsically linked to the meat industry, therefore supporting and inflicting violence.
This is a beautiful representation of how much suffering can be alleviated from adopting a vegan diet. But you don't need to dive in overnight - even eliminating a SINGLE meat meal in your week can have an impact!
Electric Cars Aren't Enough -- Try Vegan for Earth Day
#MeatsNotGreen #EarthDay #GoVegan Vegan Bacon