Conseil beauté

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1.2M views · 53K reactions | للمبتدئين تعليم مكياج للأعراس و المناسبات ❤️🌹 #fypシ゚viralシ #makeuplook #tutorial #مكياج #تنظيف_البشرة #ميكاب #makeup #fypシ゚ #ماسك | By سيدتي - Sayidati | Facebook
plante santé verte on Instagram: "Masque anti-âge au curcuma 🥰 #soinvisage #masquevisage #antiage #faitmaison #remedenaturel #cosmetique"
739K views · 10K reactions | Pour les #cheveux darba darba 🥰 | By ‎Thamurth lejdud /أرض الأجداد‎ | Facebook
Pour les #cheveux darba darba 🥰 | By ‎Thamurth lejdud /أرض الأجداد‎
1M views · 10K reactions | علاج نهاءي لصدفية | By Soundous | Where are you going? Lock up and see this treatment. Otherwise, it will benefit your children, otherwise it will benefit your family. It's good for you good for you. I have a shellfish. Shellfish. We give you a treat. Pray for me, may God protect me, my children, and my husband, God willing. Look at the burnt oil. The burnt oil of tonobilat. If you don't have a Tonobell, look at your neighbors. Give him a small glass pumpkin and tell him to cover his life with burnt oil. The tonobiles are on their mind. Now that's a wash derry. Every night to come to sleep. Paint it well, paint it, and it will enter your hand, paint it and enter until it gets well, this burnt oil. What ? Listen to this, the treatment method, hope it works for you. At night, it's greasy and good in the morning to wake up. In the water Bash to wipe out. Wipe it right in. And after Wash Dere. Paint petazon zero interval one spirit of farmasian give it to you. Zero one interval Every day der wash I told you for twenty days. Water and water because she is more water. Hey, you want to come and wipe, wipe, I told you that what you don't touch is neither in the smells nor water. Pretty much this is it. Be patient Tabra. Twenty days, God willing, and I will die for this message. Sorry. For this video for msg me. Tell me Kivash, and may God protect you, share it with all people to benefit them. Anything you want, write on YouTube Umm Sami, the queen of cooking. My channel is coming out, please subscribe. Press on the word subscribe so that you can always communicate with me. Or show me a video in which you will find all the treatments I tried them personally or succeeded with me, I will post them here. Or don't forget again, here in Shetty, the plus sign, that's my soul, press it again, so that you can always communicate with me.
Soundous - علاج نهاءي لصدفية
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