"Pas de Deux"

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Tamara Karsavina
Tamara Karsavina. Album Reutlinger de portraits divers. Vol. 63 Vue 87. Source: Gallica BnF.
Anna Pavlova's swan costume.She died of illness at a relatively young age,and it is said that her last words were to ask that her swan costume be prepared
The Sexiest Blackgama Ads Over the Past 43 Years and Interesting Trivia about the Campaign.
Rudolph Nureyev, Martha Graham and Margot Fonteyn
Martha Graham and Ted Shawn, 1922. Now I know it's costumed up the ying yang however, this photo definitely shows some serious attitude. Bring it people. Just bring it! cd
Ruth St. Denis in Radha.
Ruth St. Denis in Radha. by New York Public Library, via Flickr
Danse | La Petite Mélancolie | Ruth St. Denis in first costume for Radha, 1904
Katta Sterna (dancer) 1925 by Trude Fleischmann / Katta Sterna, eigentlich Katharina Stern (* 19. Dezember 1897 in Berlin; † 29. Juli 1984 in Berlin) war eine deutsche Schauspielerin und Tänzerin
Adolf de Meyer: el Debussy de la fotografía
Adolf de Meyer 1918, Ruth St. Denis
Ruth St Denis – DantéBéa
Nickolas Muray. Ruth St. Denis as Venus in Cupid and Psyche at Mariarden.1923