
9 Pins
Minerals, Crystals & Fossils
Aqua Aura Kyanite - Brazil (Black Kyanite infused with Gold)
Mineral Specimen photo image Azurite Deep blue azurite blades with great luster. A couple of dots of malachite. The back side is hollow honeycomb. From the Ben Williams Collection. Bisbee, Arizona
Etsy - Shop for handmade, vintage, custom, and unique gifts for everyone
"Dahlia" malachite stalactite cross-section / Africa
Opal Auction Categories - List of Opal Types
Koroit Opal Nuts
Le Larousse pour tous : nouveau dictionnaire encyclopédique : Larousse, Pierre, 1817-1875 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Le Larousse pour tous : Minéraux