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"ان الله لم يخلقـكِ كاميـرهً تلـد في فمها ملعقهً من ذهـب ولـستِ ملـكه… #قصصالخيالفانتازيا # قصص الخيال (فانتازيا) # amreading # books # wattpad
William-Adolphe Bouguereau (French, 1825-1905), Sur le rocher | Christie's
William-Adolphe Bouguereau (French, 1825-1905) | Sur le rocher | Paintings | Christie's
What To Do With Your Life in February
bathe in flowers #ritualbath Let’s face it, February can be a real drag. The cold weather never seems to end, we’re completely OVER our winter wardrobes, and (for those of us without significant others) ...read more
Jingna Zhang Fashion, Fine Art & Beauty Photography – Like a Painting
Jingna Zhang Fashion, Fine Art & Beauty Photography – Like a Painting
~ Portrait of Ilinca with lavender ~ by Daniel Penciuc
Portrait of Ilinca with lavender (~ by daniel penciuc)