Bricolage enfant

61 Pins
Encre et gros sel : la technique pas à pas - La cour des petits
La technique de peinture avec encre et gros sel. Decouvrez le tuto complet en cliquant sur le lien.
DIY : La seconde vie d'une canette
Les p'tites créa' par Caro Dels - Blog créatif, DIY: DIY : La seconde vie d'une canette
ВЫШИВКА | Записи в рубрике ВЫШИВКА | : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
owl cross stitch crafting
Perler Bead Ornaments
patterns for perler beads | Perler Bead Ornaments - The Crafty Mummy
Vintage Lace & Doilies: Upcycled and Repurposed
I dont want to make these but i needed to know what kind of clay to ise for snother similar type project! Vintage Lace & Doilies: Upcycled and Repurposed - this could be done with polymer clay, air bake clay, or of course stone ware and porcelain would be great! If you are actually firing these, glaze would look so cool
Woodland Fairy Folk
Woodland Fairy Folk I have been imagining this family of fairies...just awaiting all the pieces...and they found me ~ pine cones at my favorite beach, acorns at a park in Montreal and these lovely pink maple keys on a tree at the zoo. I gathered and stored...with people wondering why I had pine cones tumbling out of my beach bag, acorns living in my purse and maple keys in the coffee holder in my car?! ~ for woodland fairy folk of course! So simple ~ no need f...