Single speed

29 Pins
Vintage Bicycle. (via I ♥ flea markets!)
titsandtires: Nishiki fixed gear conversion (by kingpinphoto)
Singlespeed Lejeune néo rétro white and green is so british !
Handmade Traditional Veg Tanned Leather Bicycle Frame Bag/ | Etsy
Handmade traditional veg tanned leather bicycle frame bag/ messenger bag honey color. $55.00, via Etsy.
hardgraft . Fine Lifestyle Accessories With Down To Earth Aesthetics
#hardgraft Frame Pack
The Spoken
Cycle EXIF | Custom and classic bicycles | Part 10
Love this fixie.
Photo (r e m a i n s i m p l e .)
Bicycles: a lovely chic grey fixie bike.
Vélo Kinfolk, run with the love hunted fixie
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