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This may contain: the pizza is ready to be eaten with a fork and knife on top of it
Eggplant Paninis: A Healthy Delight! 🍆💚 Made by @laura.eles
📑 Ingredients: Eggplant Tomato spices Grated cheese Good quality ham or turkey black olives Cherry tomatoes Or whatever toppings you want 🥣 Preparation: 1. Wash the eggplant and cut it into approximately 1cm slices. 2. Place them on a baking tray with a little oil and salt and bake for 15 minutes at 180°C. 3. Take them out and add the rest of the ingredients and gratin in the oven for a couple of minutes until the cheese turns golden brown. #ketogeniclife #ketosnacks #ketomeals #ketobreakfast #sugarfree #ketolove #ketofriendly #lowcarbfood #ketogeniclifestyle #ketojourney #ketoforbeginners #ketocarnivore #ketomom #lowcarb #intermittentfasting #ketomeal #lowcarblife #ketolife
These No Bake Superfood Brownies by @helens_vegan_kitchen are sweet, delicious and totally refined sugar, gluten and dairy free ������​ ������Ingredients (makes 10-12) 1.5 cups mixed nuts 12 large, soft medjool dates, pitted 1/2 cup peanut (or almond) butter 3 tbsp raw cacao powder Pinch sea salt 1-2 tbsp water or maple syrup if you want them sweeter Topping ingredients: 4 tbsp melted coconut oil 4 tbsp raw cacoa powder 3 tbsp maple syrup Handful of nuts/s
This may contain: a bowl filled with food sitting on top of a wooden table next to a person
Gnocchis de butternut 😊
Gnocchis de butternut, une recette de notre ami @chef_theo_lignani, membre du club des créateurs Chefclub
This may contain: three green cookies are stacked on top of each other with white icing in the middle
Котлеты из брокколи
Котлеты из брокколи с сыром Ингредиенты: 🔹Брокколи 🔹Мука ( из разрешённой) 🔹Специи по вкусу 🔹Сыр
This may contain: a wooden cutting board topped with a slice of fruit and nut covered cake next to a knife
Aperitivo viral de queso y frutos secos 🎄🎉
📝 INGREDIENTES: • 300g de queso crema • Perejil fresco al gusto • 1 cdta de semillas de chía 🔸Cobertura de frutos secos: • 50g arándanos deshidratados • 100g pistachos • 50g nueces
Tarte salée au potimarron, lardons
Recette tarte au potimarron, et lardons fumés. Cette tarte au potimarron est parfaite en cette saison, Vous pouvez l’accompagner d’une salade verte pour en faire un repas complet #potimarron #courge #recettefacile #tartesalée #courges #recetteautomne #recettehealthy #quiche
Broccoli Fritters
These light, golden-brown Broccoli Fritters make a delicious vegetarian dinner or lunch — and kids love them, too! Ready in less than 30 minutes. #broccoli #healthy #lunch #vegetarian
This may contain: a person is dipping some food into a bowl with ranch dressing on it and the words croquettes de thon above them
Croquette de thon
5min · 20 servings Ingrédients 🇫🇷🇬🇧⁣pour 42 pièces • - 250g de ricotta / ricotta cheese ⁣ • - 280g de thon / 280g of tuna ⁣ • - 2 œufs / 2 eggs ⁣ • - 1 cas de câpres / 1 tbsp capers⁣ • - 15 olives vertes / 15 green olives⁣ • - sel / salt ⁣ • - poivre / pepper ⁣ • - 2 cac d’origan / 2 tsp of oregano ⁣ • - 120g de fromage râpée / 120g of cheese ⁣ • - 80g de farine / 80g of flour ⁣ • - chapelure / breadcrumbs⁣ #springreset
This may contain: a stack of green cookies sitting on top of a wooden cutting board