
18 Pins
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porcelana fria polymer clay pasta francesa masa flexible fimo topper modelado figurine
DEMO FIMO - Peinture-modelage, le blog des créations de Myriam LAKRAA
fimo bunny tutorial
Most inspiring pictures and photos!
This has become my most popular pin of all the pins and has been repinned more than any of my others! Congratulations!
DIY fimo polymer clay teddy bear Rilakkuma
Flower Tutorial by koshadesing on DeviantArt
Flower Tutorial
Search 'polymer tutorial' on DeviantArt - Discover The Largest Online Art Gallery and Community
Super cute peas in a pod charm. Just bake it and it'll get hard
à essayer avec du fimo, de la porcelaine froide ou de la pate à sel.
Individual Cakes and Sweets
fimo food magnets- why didn't I think of this?