
50 Pins
The Beautifully Deceptive Work of Dutch Artist Anouk Kruithof - Sight Unseen
#Evidence, a solo show by Dutch artist Anouk Kruithof
Unexpected Layers of Glass Added to Stones and Books by Ramon Todo — Colossal
Unexpected Layers of Glass Added to Stones and Books par Ramon Todo #JUXTAPOSITION de verre et de cailloux. Donne un rendu plutôt élégant et raffiné.
Maureen Kerstein (Maureen E. Kerstein) Paintings & Drawings Artist | Artful Home
Rose Quartz by Maureen Kerstein: Watercolor Painting available at www.artfulhome.com Original watercolor painting with tones of rose quartz.
Cet illustrateur crée des univers en papier sans jamais toucher une seule feuille.
Crédit photo : Eiko Ojala More
Flailing Forms (on-going project) - Louise Zhang
Flailing Forms (on-going project) - Louise Zhang
Exposition Fully Booked: Ink on Paper — Berlin
Exposition graphisme Berlin — Fully Booked : Ink on Paper