USA roadtrip

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April 8, 2015 – Learn More Every Day
California's Red Rock Canyon State Park sits in Kern County, about 80 miles from Bakersfield, 25 miles from Mojave, and maybe 150 miles from Los Angeles.
Willis Creek Slot Canyon, near Cannonville, Utah
Willis Creek Slot Canyon near Cannonville, Utah
Trail to Chimney Rock
Trail to Chimney Rock and Pedernal, Chimney Rock National Monument, Ghost Ranch, Home and Studio of Georgia O'Keeffe, Abiquiu, New Mexico by Isaac Borrego
Pictures: Beautiful Photos from Around the World | Expedia
Easy to lose track of how many waterfalls we saw in this 36-mile hike in the Grand Canyon. #hiking Discovered by Bernini at Havasupai Tribe, Supai, Arizona
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Very Large Array, Socorro, New Mexico - Albuquerque Day Trip
Museum of Contemporary Native Arts - Santa Fe, New Mexico
Chasing Santa Fe: Museum of Contemporary Native Arts - Santa Fe, New Mexico