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Con solo tres ingredientes, sin horno ni levadura, la prima italiana de la pizza es mi comodín para cenar el finde
550K views · 8.8K reactions | Receta de rollo de hojaldre de Conchita! | Si probáis este rollo de hojaldre relleno, vais a quedar encandilados! Conchita lo ha llamado..."Rollito europeo" 😜. Ingredientes: - Masa de hojaldre -... | By Maximiliana | This is what we call a European roll it's a delicacy not to forget. Hola. We're going to make something really tasty today. Very tasty. My grandson calls it the European roll. It's a puff roll that's good. Easy, easy to make so easy. How Maximilian mobile phone calls grandparents. They are calling us that phone, we have to do something with it. He does it all by himself. Well, it's almost going to happen with this roll. Venga. Tell you the ingredients, to make this delicious roll. The ingredients of this roll are a puff pastry I buy it, it's cheap, it's worth about fifty or so, I buy it here in the and it comes out divine. Then he has bacon about eighty grams of bacon. Then take these dried tomatoes that I showed you. How I buy them. But then bite bite bite, because now you'll see why. And eh, this is a hundred grams. A three hard boiled eggs, a little sesame, a Greek yogurt mozzarella cheese and then an egg yolk to spread. And sesame to decorate the top. Oven at one hundred eighty degrees and up and running and starting to do it. Mirad. First we're going to make a kind of cake that's what's going to go inside the roll. The three hard boiled eggs I have already peeled are grating. Do you see? I'm shredding them up. I'm scratching it like that. We already have the scrambled egg. Now, in this egg a clove of garlic. That me with my thoughts, you see? Lo echo. Now, I'll add all the tomato I told you that had it stingy. I remove it well. Spreading the Greek yogurt. I mix it all up just fine. And about a hundred grams of mozzarella cheese. This one, as it has almost two hundred, I throw half a pack. And I mix it all up just fine. I make I told you a cake. But you'll see, this game gives him the European roll. Parsley is also often added. Do you see? On the oven plate placed here is the sheet I'm rolling it out Let's see. Do you see? Let's see, now that we have it like this, I'm putting the bacon on. The bacon strips. The whole roll. Now that we've got all the bacon on the baking sheet, we're going to put it like this. This is such a delight. do you see? Now with all the ability life gives you, let's roll it up. We left a little at the end, because that's where it's to close the package. Now we close the package like this. do you see how cool is this? Well, they are more basic. Now an egg yolk, I've removed the white one, I'll use it for something else. And with a brooch, well absorbed everything. Because this is going to give you a spectacular glow. Like this. We already have it. And now the sesame that gives it grace. So, do you see some? Baked sesame. We already have it in and now in twenty-five, thirty, thirty-five minutes, keep your eye on it. To wait. And then to enjoy. Y'all see what a cut. I break it in half so the boys can carry it better. Mirar. Do you see the cut? I'm keeping this one for me and my husband to try. Notice how beautiful but it's not the beautiful, it's the good.
This may contain: a close up of a plate of food on a table with a sign that reads corona navidena de hojadore
Corona navideña de hojaldre🎄
Hoy os traigo una idea de aperitivo super rico y perfecto para decorar nuestras mesas navideñas estas fiestas🤩 📝INGREDIENTES: hojaldre, queso crema, pollo cocido desmechado, espárragos verdes finos, jamón serrano, queso curado rallado y huevo batido. 👉🏻 Monta la corona de hojaldre como se ve en el vídeo y hornea con el horno precalentado a 180°C unos 15-20 minutos. ¡Que aproveche!😊
Empanada de manzana y queso de Cabrales
Rosca de queso con pocos ingredientes: animate a esta receta súper fácil para acompañar con unos mates
Hogar Cocina Fácil
Tarta de puerros: cremosa por dentro y crocante por fuera, la receta perfecta para este finde
Rollo con masa de hojaldre y jamón serrano - ¡Te va a encantar esta receta!
Rollo con masa de hojaldre y jamón serrano - ¡Te va a encantar esta receta! - YouTube
ROLLO DE CARNE PICADA CON VERDURAS EN HOJALDRE. Queda crujiente por fuera y muy jugoso por dentro.
12 recetas con hojaldre para un festín de sabores en la cocina