la douceur de l'onde ...
57 Pins
New Machine Build One years worth of pics and videos of my 43" x 98" MDF machine FIRST BUILD!!! - Page 6
One of the most simple interesting wood working pieces I have ever seen. Brian Oltrogge MDF DIY CNC Grunblau
3D tactile trends at this years surface design show London more from Interlam
I am a dreamer
Look deep into nature art is all around us in patterns, textures, and color ~ Pine wood
The Fashion Palace | AmniosyA + Lash-Up - Arch2O.com
Il Moscow Fashion Palace, progettato da AmniosyA + Lash-up, ha vinto Menzione d'Onore nel recente concorso Arquitectum. Prendendo ispirazione e spunti dalla moda, danza (rs), l'arte, e la cultura e la storia russa, la sua forma provocatoria sarebbe un ambiente sontuoso imponente per la mostra dei migliori nomi del mondo della moda.
8 of the Coolest Meeting Rooms in London | All the best venues
"Horse-Head Conference Room" by Frank Gehr:::::Photo by Bruce M. White::::: Modernize your office space with www.seeyond.com
andrew prokos deconstructs frank gehry’s EMP museum
gehry’s children #5 by andrew prokos at frank gehry’s EMP museum, seattle, WA, USA