93 Pins
Native American Edward Curtis Medicine Crow
Edward Curtis' Medicine Crow (Pinned by indus® in honor of the indigenous people of North America who have influenced our indigenous medicine and spirituality)
LOC Photo Display
Edward Curtis. Koskimo woman. Description by Edward S. Curtis: "The head is a good illustration of the extremes to which the Quatsino Sound tribes carried the practice of artificially lengthening the skulls of their infants." 1914. Northwestern University Library. Edward S. Curtis. The North American Indian: the Photographic Images. 2001.
aos children. Date Created/Published: c1905. Summary: Four Taos children squat on rocks at edge of stream, mountains in background. Photograph by Edward S. Curtis, Curtis (Edward S.) Collection, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. Photo by Add this to feed
Hapchách - Yuma
Library of Congress: Edward S Curtis Collection Hapchach - Yuma
Indian Pottery
You are looking at an educational picture of Nunipayo Decorating Pottery. It was taken in 1900 by Edward S. Curtis. The picture presents a Woman seated on mat painting designs on pottery. We have created this collection of pictures primarily to serve as an easy to access educational tool. Contact curator@old-picture.com. Image ID# 4C6EE419
Maricopa Woman Mealing
Maricopa woman mealing | Seattle E.S. Curtis 1908
LOC Photo Display
Portrait Photography Artist Study with thanks to Photographer Edward Curtis, ,Resources for Art Students, CAPI ::: Create Art Portfolio Ideas at milliande.com , Inspiration for Art School Portfolio Work, Portrait, Painting, Figure, Faces, Mixed Media, Sepia
If Charlie Parker Was a Gunslinger,There'd Be a Whole Lot of Dead Copycats
The Whaler, Edward S Curtis (1915)
The Blanket Maker - Navaho
Library of Congress: Edward S Curtis Collection The blanket maker - Navaho
Hatali Nez, Navajo Shaman by Edward S. Curtis, c1950