Bee Fun, Bee Free, Bee Happy

If you're like me, I'm all about the bees and amusing myself with bee imagery
18 Pins
How to Make a Gallon of Mead: A Simple Mead Recipe
How to Make a Gallon of Mead ~ Blueberry Orange honey wine!
How to Make Mead – Mother Earth News
How to make Mead Mead is a Wine made from yeast, water & honey and aged for a minimum of 1 year. We made some and its delicious! It's like no other beverage on the market. As for the aging, Brother Adam of Buckfast Abbey stated that a mead tasted better with age. So, make a few bottles and let them age in your cellar. Available online at
When passion marries creativity, bee-utiful things happen. These are real bee hives.