BariatricPal News Blog

BariatricPal News Blogs
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Low-Carb, Low-Calorie Wraps for Satisfying Weight Loss
Have you ever noticed that weight loss can make you feel deprived? You may start to notice everything you cannot have, such as pizza, ice cream, and mac and cheese. Beyond comfort food, your diet may ask you to avoid even the simplest things, like making a delicious wrap for a satisfying meal or snack. You can get back some of the convenience and flavor you love when you use Norigami Low-Carb Wraps. They are versatile and may be the help you need to stay on your diet.
Paleo Wraps for Weight Loss
The BariatricPal Store strives to make sure you can eat right without compromising at all on taste and satisfaction. Improveat Wraps help you do just that! Check out our latest blog post: Paleo Wraps for Weight Loss
BariatricPal Store Blog
Don’t reach for the ice cream – reach for the #ProteinPudding instead! Great flavor choices with less sugar.
Simpler Weight Loss with PortionMate
Portion size may be the most important factor in weight loss. The right portions can keep calories and carbs in check while making sure your protein intake stays up. PortionMate Bariatric Care helps with that as you get measuring rings and a use guide.
Getting Through Social Isolation as a Bariatric Patient
Getting Through Social Isolation as a Bariatric Patient Bariatric surgery is already challenging as you learn new eating habits, get used to a changing body, develop new strategies for coping with the world, and, often, find that old relationships become rocky. The coronavirus epidemic makes things even more difficult as it forces changes to daily routines.
Want to Stay Slim? Get "Pregnant" (Guys too)
Want to Stay Slim? Get "Pregnant" (Guys too)Addiction gets such a bad rap societally. It is one of the most difficult things to recover from, yet it is so socially stigmatized that we don’t often talk about it freely.Food addiction is the most difficult addiction, in my opinion. Think about it:what other addiction do you have to wear on your sleeve?Alcoholics can drink to excess without anyone being the wiser. Pain pill addictions go unnoticed for years. Even people with addictio
BariatricPal Store: Save Money on Bariatric Food, Vitamins & Nutrients
Are you worried about being able to afford your Bariatric supplements? The BariatricPal Store now offers AfterPay! Shop now. Enjoy now. Pay later! You can split your order into 4 interest-free payments, every two weeks, at checkout.
Gourmet Pumpkin Seeds for Natural Protein
Pumpkin Seeds are a superfood! Easily add 8 grams of protein to a meal or snack with a serving of SuperSeedz Gourmet Pumpkin Seeds. You can eat or use them right from the bag, since they are already shelled. We've got some great ideas on how you can use this delicious superfood. Photo via @superseedzofficial
Pump up Your Summer Produce
Check out our latest blog post! We're giving you the secrets to "Pump up Your Summer Produce":
BariatricPal Store Blog
Guessing does not work when trying to lose weight. Instead of guesstimating and estimating, measure properly the easy way with smart food scales and body weight scales, and portion control dinnerware and shaker bottles.
How to Be Full From Within: A Psychologist's Top 10 List for Happiness
Over the 8 years I have met with weight loss surgery patients, the one concept I find myself going over and over is this idea of becoming full from within. The idea that if we don't fill ourselves up intrinsically- we will always need some thing to fill the void, whether it be food, gambling, sex, drugs, or alcohol. The problem is- we always end up on empty, psychologically.
Is Weight Loss Surgery for Me?
Magzine Article: Weight loss surgery is a life-changing event, and not something to be undergone lightly. Some weight loss surgery candidates know that weight loss surgery is for them, but many others are unsure whether it is time for them to get weight loss surgery. At best, it can help you lose weight and get your life back. At worst, it can cause complications or make you miss your old way of life.
BariatricPal Store: Save Money on Bariatric Food, Vitamins & Nutrients
Now You Can Get Up to 15% Off, By Sharing BariatricPal Product Recipe With us.#recipe #discount #offer
Meal Plans for the Pre-Op and Post-Op Liquid Diets
Check out our #MealPlans if you need help pre-op, post-op, or getting #BackOnTrack.