Zero waste lifestyle

A longlife journey towards the beauty of a zero-waste lifestyle
83 Pins
A Zero Waste Christmas Challenge - Going Zero Waste
Zero waste Christmas gift giving guide from
Planning Ahead: Grocery Shopping — Litterless
what to bring when grocery stopping to stay trash-free.
3 Guidelines For Successful Plastic Free And Zero Waste Living
The Buyerachy of Needs
This is the waste that my family generated in 2015 -half the volume of the previous year. I finally got around to doing an inventory of the contents and it's on the blog! (I can already tell that 2016 won't be as glorious....) ----- Voici les dechets que ma famille a genere en 2015 -la moitie du volume de l'annee precedente. J'ai enfin pris le temps de faire un inventaire de son contenu et vous le livre sur le blog (qui est maintenent bilingue!) -je peux deja vous dire que 2016 ne sera pas a...
Amazing Home cleaning tips and hack you should use
Amazing Home cleaning tips and hack you should use
5 Mindful Habits that Lead to a Minimalist Home
Creating a beautiful, minimalist home can be done in one fell swoop with the help of some major de-cluttering, but maintaining a minimalist home is a whole different story. Clutter is an inevitable part of life. It tends to accumulate rather quickly, which is why implementing a few mindful habits at home—like these five below—is essential for preserving the minimalist look and functionality.
10 Mélanges d'Huiles Essentielles Pour Diffuseur Que Vous Allez Adorer.
10 meilleurs mélanges d'huiles essentielles pour diffuseur