
22 Pins
Ayurveda Posters
Ayurvedic poster with basic descriptions of the following ayurvedic concepts: 1. What is Ayurveda. 2.Eight Branches of Ayurveda. 3. Pancha Maha Bhuta. 4. Tri Dosha. 5. Prakruti. 6. Vikruti. 7.Sapta Dhatu-7 tissues. 8. Prana Tejas Ojas. 9. Srotas -Channels. 10. Agni -The metabolic fire. 11. Ama -undigested food. All art & design by Aaron Staengl© All rights reserved
Meridian clock with corresponding times, meridians, and even location within the body for you to work on for the healing. Take time out of the day within each area and do one simple healing exercise for your meridian flow patterns and see how this can shift this area of energy & also for your chakra energy patterns! http://www.healingartforms.com/
UFOs and Extraterrestrials in Art History
This cave painting is circa 10,000 BC and is from Val Camonica, Italy. It appears to depict two beings in protective suits holding strange implements.